Rocky mountain water Alberta Prairie Grain
Co-Founded by Keith Robinson and Matt Widmer, Wild Life Distillery represents a commitment to place. Located in the heart of Canmore, in the Canadian Rockies, Wild Life produces award-winning spirits with an emphasis on moutain lifestyle.
Visit our tasting room and cocktail bar in Canmore, AB.
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Canadian Whisky delivered to your door
You can now order our spirits, alcohol, booze, whatever you want to call it, along with our line up of hand-crafted cocktail bitters and syrups online!
Cruise our product line-up and take advantage of our free shipping option. It's never been easier to enjoy WLDSpirits at home!
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alberta craft spirits
Whisky Promise
8 Years ago Matt & Keith shook hands and made a promise. To create a craft distillery in Canmore, Alberta, that produced vodka, gin, and one day whisky. That day has arrived, and our whisky is now flowing across the province!

Wild Life Distillery Anthem
The WLD Lifestyle

LIFESTYLE DISTILLED - About getting crystal clear.
Hi friends, I trust you are all enjoying the arrival of summer here in Alberta. If you've been following WLD for a while now, you've might have noticed a few big projects that we have ticked off t...
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What Does Single Malt Whisky Mean To WLD?
As we get ready to roll our inaugural 5 year old Single Malt Whisky out from the Wild Life Whisky warehouse, we felt it was time for a recap; a little history lesson if you will. This whisky begins...
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If you've been following these blogs over the last few of years, then you know what we've been up to: Building a team. Building a brand. Building a spirits portfolio. And building a new distillery...
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About us
Co-founders of Wild Life Distillery, Matt Widmer and Keith Robinson have grown up exploring the Rocky Mountains of the Bow Valley. Here they open their hearts and lives to share insight into adventures past, present and those yet to come.