Lifestyle - Blog

LIFESTYLE DISTILLED - About getting crystal clear.
Hi friends, I trust you are all enjoying the arrival of summer here in Alberta. If you've been following WLD for a while now, you've might have noticed a few big projects that we have ticked off t...
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What Does Single Malt Whisky Mean To WLD?
As we get ready to roll our inaugural 5 year old Single Malt Whisky out from the Wild Life Whisky warehouse, we felt it was time for a recap; a little history lesson if you will. This whisky begins...
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If you've been following these blogs over the last few of years, then you know what we've been up to: Building a team. Building a brand. Building a spirits portfolio. And building a new distillery...
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Where we've been AND where we're going
Hello, and happy 2023 to you, our #WLDCommunity! Each year, the turning of the calendar coincides with the turning of a WLD year. This year, it was our Champagne Birthday! 6 years ago, on January 6...
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Goals are an interesting thing. They inspire us, they drive us, and they motivate us; but at the same time they scare us, intimidate, and belittle us. Sometimes we share them with others, sometimes...
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Barrel Dumping & Hearts Pumping
The Stoke is high around the distillery these days... However, it's a novel stoke; a feeling of, 'ok, so now what?', a feeling of, 'you only get to do this once, so get it right.'.Mount Assiniboine...
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Remember the Where's Waldo books? Some of you will, but perhaps some of you don't. They were a visual masterpiece where you had to filter through a busy illustration with your eyes and try to pick ...
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Greetings WLD People! Spring has sprung in the Canadian Rockies, and it's time for an update from Wild Life Distillery HQ. So Take 5, put on your reading specs, and settle into a little WLD news. ...
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Peaks and Valleys: The WLD Rollercoaster
Greetings WLD People! It has been a hot minute since we last wrote a newsletter; 10 months to be exact, so apologies for the radio silence... 2021 has been a rollercoaster ride for the WLD boys, ...
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The turn of a new year means the turn of a WLD birthday. And WLD just turned 4! Oh my. Hot dang. Big whooop. It’s hard to imagine what a big birthday party feels like anymore.. But we can tell you...
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