Barrel Dumping & Hearts Pumping
The Stoke is high around the distillery these days... However, it's a novel stoke; a feeling of, 'ok, so now what?', a feeling of, 'you only get to do this once, so get it right.'.Mount Assiniboine - @philipforsey photo
What are we talking about? Well.
A few days ago, the WLD Boys dumped their first barrels of whisky, and we're not talking 'dumped down the drain'. Mark, Keith & Matt pulled bungs from 8 barrels of whisky, and dumped them into a disgorge tank. This is significant because this is the point in the whisky making process where a distiller acknowledges that the barrel-aging process is complete; the moment where a distiller feels the product is ready to share with friends, family, and the community.
We have now entered the proofing, marrying, resting, & filtering process, which will happen over the next month or so. And then..? We launch.
The Golden Elixir
WLD has been working towards this moment since Keith & Matt shook hands in 2015. A handshake that affirmed the vision to create a whisky made in Canmore, from Alberta grain, by local people who believe in it. That dream is now sitting in a tank, awaiting its final resting place in a WLD Bottle. #ohshitya
TAKE AWAY : WLD Whisky 001 will be released this November, 2022!
There will be a pre-sale online where y'all can pre-order bottles to ensure you get a sip of this delicious first release. More details on whisky type, profile, launch party, and activations will come in October. Consider this your final heads up! If you don't already subscribe to our newsletter, please sign up as this will be the first place we announce the whisky pre-sale.Mark & Matt enjoying the sounds and smells of whisky flowing
Alberta Botanical Gin 2022
On Monday, September 19th, we released our 2022 edition of the beloved ABG. For the true gin connoisseur, this product includes only ingredients grown in Alberta. Common Juniper, Yarrow, Labrador Tea and Cow Parsnip Seeds lead the botanical bill. This year we've included Hyssop Flower (floral anise) and Lemon Balm (matcha lemon), grown by our friends at Water Valley Hops, to add some '22 nuance to this tasty tipple.
WLDSpirits + Alberta Juniper = Truly Local Gin
Alberta Botanical Gin is now available online, in our tasting room, and making its way to select retailers this week. We distilled a single batch of the ABG this year, so if you love a truly local product, made using 100% Albertan ingredients, this is the gin for you.

October 1st, 2022 will be a day to remember. Heidi and Keith are getting hitched, off the grid, along the Kootenay River in BC. Fall colours, family from near and far, and of course good spirits will most certainly fill the crowd with buzz. We are all looking forward to helping these 2 celebrate their union!
The bride and groom to be
Wedding's mean stag celebrations. Some do one, others do two.. The WLD Boys snuck away to the west coast for a weekend with great friends, fishing, surfing, and all things Pacific.

That's all for now. We will be back in touch with details surrounding whisky launch, our fall seasonal fruit gin, and upcoming WLD events to keep the good spirits flowing into the fall.
Happy Fall Solstice everyone. We hope you are making time for larch hiking, biking, and end of season dry fly action.
- The WLD Boys