Summertiiiiime - And the livin' is busy
July 23rd, hot dang, where has the time gone?!! Already mid-summer here in the Rockies and by popular demand, time for another update on our #WLDadventure. (ok only @nigapat asked for one, but here it is).
Since returning from Nicaragua/Mexico in May, Matt and Keith have been busy producing our 2 products here at the distillery. We have been mashing once a week (which means producing 1 batch/week) and so far have not really been able to stockpile any product (which is good I think..?) Our plan was to build up some inventory so that we could confidently pound the pavement doing sales, knowing that if a big order came in, we would have the stock to fill it. Not really happenin'. We are just flying by the seat of our pants, usually coming close to running out of product every time we bottle. Don't tell our customers that ;)
Things you have missed, or hopefully haven't:
We have re-vamped our social media content. Although many people thought (including ourselves) that we were doing an 'ok' job on the social front, apparently we weren't. A good friend and social media buff has helped us re-organize our insta account and has us on the right track now, posting quality shots which hopefully all of you are enjoying?! Likes and shares always appreciated.
The #WLDboys bought a camera. Big whoop.
We have attended a fair number of local golf tournaments here in Canmore - promoting our brand and showcasing the products to the local market.
#WLDcommunity member Beth MacDonald slangin' drinks up at SilverTip Resort.
In June we went up to #YEG to attend Edmonton Beer Fest. Here we met our northern amigo's and tasted and talked with a lot of the industry up there. Sherbrooke Liquor is now carrying our products for anyone in that neck of the woods looking for a tasty gin. or vodka.
We also poured, and poured, and poured, at the Juniper Hotel Summer Solstice party, which was WILD. Hundreds of locals mixing and mingling for the afternoon on the patio. Great fun.
PIG ROAST. As many of you saw we had our first pig roast! Huge thanks to Valbella Gourmet Foods for helping us throw this down.
Quick background story on the pig:
The way we produce our spirits here at WLD is from raw wheat, and malted barley (whole grains). The brewing process extracts most of the starch/sugar from these grains (which is what we're after), however a lot of the fibre, protein and nutrients are left over in the grain after we've finished with them. So we have a farmer who comes down every Wednesday to pick-up our 'spent grain'. This left over grain is perfect animal feed for her pigs/chickens/kids, and a by-product for us, so it's a great mutualistic relationship (big word I know, I looked it up). When she saw how much feed she would be getting every week she bought a few more piglets to feed and has been letting them gorge for the last few months. The pig that we roasted from her farm was 180lbs dressed and with the overwhelming attendance to the event, there were only 3 little to-go boxes left over! Thanks to all who were able to make it.
Also a big thanks to "The Critters" for the great live entertainment.
Parking lot overflow of #WLDPigRoasters.
"The Critters" belting out some great old time rock'n'roll
Some numbers you should know:
- We are on batch 009 of our vodka and batch 007 (James Bond) of our gin.
- We are now officially in 97 locations and with 3 more to go we should probably have a century celebration of some kind..? Stayed tuned for that one.
- We now have 4 staff members (1 full timer and 3 part timers) #labourcosts.
- We are planning to have our next product out in time for September 15th: A Summer Alberta Botanical Gin! This will be a one-off batch, limited release, only at the distillery. So for you out-of-towners.. Saarry
- We will be in #YYC for the Taste of Calgary August 10-13 so if anyone is in the city please come down and say hello!
Until then we hope you can summit a peak, jump a bike, or catch a cutthroat on a dry. And if those don't sound like things you're into, then at least we hope you can enjoy a G&T on a patio somewhere for us.
Cheers to summer and speak soon.
- Matt & Keith
Fatty girl